I have been experiencing inner peace and contentment like seldom before in my life. I have become a critical judge of my own experience so that I am always able to distinguish authentic spiritual growth from some kind of emotional hype that is the result of the novelty of having become a Muslim. I have made my shahadah and in it, essentially, I have done two things: [1] I have rejected the shirk and polytheistic faith of my past as a Christian - laa illaha - there is no god, [2] and I have also embraced and accepted Allah's Religion and my faith in one God - illa'llah. My Muslim faith is a constant expression of this dual act of rejection-acceptance. Every time I say these holy words I renew my rejection of my polytheistic past, and I embrace my acceptance of my monotheistic present.
It is simply not possible to write about an experience that has to be experienced in order for it to be understood. There is only one way to know what an orange tastes like - taste it! There is only one way to know what Islam tastes like - reject all other gods and accept Allah only. Some people may read these words and have no resonance with them. This is to be expected because they will only be reading about someone else's experience of tasting an orange, but this will not enable them to know what an orange tastes like. Tonight, as I write these words, I am filled with inexpressible praise to Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala for drawing me closer to His light and His truth. Here is a verse from the Holy Qur'an that two of my Muslim brothers shared with me earlier tonight:
Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with you unless you follow their form of religion. Say: the guidance of Allah, is the (only) guidance. If you were to follow their desires after the knowledge which has reached you, then you would find neither protector nor helper against Allah [2:12].
Having become a Muslim was not some trivial and unimportant thing to me, neither was it an after-thought or an impulsive indulgence. It was and is an informed, heart-felt, mind-willed, spirit-intended and body-expressing decision that enables me to be fully alive and available to Allah and His ummah. It is my joy to surround myself with those who know and who speak the words of Allah. Here is what the Qur'an says about those who do not know Allah:
And when they [the believers] hear vain talk, they turn away therefrom and say: To us our deeds, and to you yours. Peace be to you: we seek not the ignorant [28:55].
It is clear to me that, as a Muslim, my path is the straight path - ihdinas siratal mustaqeem, siratal ladhina an amta ala'yim - the path of those whose portion is not wrath [the Jews] or those who have gone astray [the Christians] [Al Fatihah:6-7]. I have chosen to walk the straight path because I have chosen to reject the path that led me astray. Every time I make salat, when I recite Al Fatihah, I choose anew, freely and fully, to reject the shirk that I had embraced in the past, and I choose anew, also, to accept the straight path of Allah's Religion which has brought me so much joy and peace. Here is a beautiful verse from the Holy Qur'an that tells what happens when one who was astray returns home to the only Religion that brings truth and peace:
Those who sustain the throne [of Allah] and those around it sing the glory and praise of their Lord; believe in Him, and implore forgiveness for those who believe: Our Lord! Your reach is over all things, in mercy and knowledge forgive, then, those who turn in repentance, and follow Your path; and preserve them from the penalty of the blazing fire [40:7].
As Muslim, I am covered by the prayers of those who sustain the throne of Allah, those who plead for mercy for all Muslims, and for those who return to the straight path of Allah. May Allah be praised for ever for leading me to the straight path!
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